Storm Prep For Trees: Our Tree Service Can Help Minimize Damage During Summer Storms

arborist inspecting trees

Tree Services In Kansas City Keep You and Your Property Safe

Kansas City residents must be mindful about the potential effects of seasonal storms all year, but especially during summer. Although most families can safely ride these events out inside their homes, outdoor plants have no such luxury.

Trees endure high winds, torrential rain, lightning strikes, and even tornadoes during this unpredictable season. Not only are your trees at risk, but branch breakage and tree emergencies affect people and property, too.

Fortunately, Kansas City homeowners don’t have to cross their fingers and hope for the best. Eisenhower Tree Care performs summer tree services in Kansas City that promote the overall health and resilience of your trees, so you can worry less about storm-related emergencies.

Summer Tree Care Services That Help Weather the Storm

Storm season in Kansas City typically spans from late spring through early fall. During this time, residents and their trees experience extreme heat, high humidity, drought, heavy rain, hail, high winds, and thunderstorms. Trees are at risk of physical damage and health issues related to compromised soil conditions.

Here’s how KC homeowners can prepare their trees:

Tree Inspections Performed By Arborists

Inspections help identify and address potential problems before they become serious. This is especially crucial before storm season. Eisenhower Tree Care’s arborists check for signs of disease, pest infestations, and other issues such as cracks and wounds. Any of these can make trees more likely to be damaged in a storm due to structural weaknesses. After assessing the tree, your arborist will provide specific recommendations for tree services that address the risk factors they’ve identified.

Professional Tree Pruning and Trimming

Proper tree trimming and pruning reduces the risk of storm damage by removing weak, dead, or diseased branches and improving the tree’s structure. Thinning out the tree’s canopy also helps reduce wind resistance, making the tree less likely to become uprooted or broken during high wind situations. With less weight in the canopy, the tree is less top-heavy as well.

Eisenhower Tree Care uses professional cutting tools and arborist-approved methods to ensure all cuts are clean and the canopy is correctly shaped.

Watering and Mulching That Follows Best Practices

Healthy trees are more resilient to storm damage. Proper watering and mulching promote strong root systems and overall tree health. When watering trees, homeowners must focus on depth rather than frequency. Deep watering ensures moisture makes it down to the tree’s root system where it’s needed.

Mulching is equally important, as it helps retain essential moisture, prevent weed growth, and keep soil at an ideal temperature. Eisenhower arborists recommend using an organic mulch for best results.

Cabling and Bracing Tree Services

Trees with structural issues are at a higher risk of branch breakage. Cabling and bracing provides additional support where it’s needed, reducing the risk of storm damage. It’s important to contact an arborist for this service, as professional installation ensures the braces and cables are correctly installed.

The Benefits Of Hiring an Arborist For Tree Care Services

Arborists have the knowledge, experience, and tools to properly perform tree services, especially when preparing for storm season.

  • Trained expertise: Arborists have been educated in maintaining, assessing, and caring for trees. This enables them to identify and address issues that might not be obvious to untrained eyes, such as internal decay or subtle signs of disease.
  • Safety: Professional arborists use the right techniques and equipment to perform tree services safely, reducing the risk of injury and property damage.
  • Comprehensive care: Arborists provide a range of tree services in Kansas City, including tree pruning, pest management, and emergency tree service response during storms. They can help you with any tree issue you may be experiencing.

Contact Eisenhower For Professional Summer Tree Services

Summers in the Midwest are tough on trees – no doubt about it. The structural and biological toll that wind, heavy rain, extreme heat, and drought can have on a tree means homeowners need professional help keeping their trees healthy.

The arborists at Eisenhower Tree Care are happy to help you reduce the risk of limb breakages and uprooting. Start with a comprehensive tree inspection to evaluate the condition of every tree on your property before big storms hit. If any issues are identified, our arborist will develop a care plan.

The main advantage of this approach is that we can catch the problem in the earliest stages, improving the chance we can prevent devastating tree damage in a storm. Contact us to schedule your inspection today at (816) 542-3586, or email us.

If you’re currently experiencing a tree emergency related to summer storms, please visit our emergency tree services page. Eisenhower Tree Care has a 24/7 response team that is ready to assist you.